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Having had some input into the creation of the new access to finance portal backed by Birmingham’s professional services organisation, BPS Birmingham, and the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership, it was good to be at the launch event last week and finally see it coming to fruition.

If you haven’t had a look yet, it’s well worth it and you can do so at  There are some 70 funders included.

The options for businesses needing to access finance are probably greater now than they have ever been, but whilst that is surely cause for celebration, it is also a cause for concern.  How do busy FDs and MDs, and even their advisers, keep up with waves of new initiatives and decide which option best meets their needs?  This portal attempts to address that issue, but as schemes come and go or change their parameters, its usefulness will be short-lived unless all those of us with relevant information and the desire to support the local business community regularly keep an eye on it and ensure that it is kept up to date.

If you are not currently listed, or have updates for what is already there, you can email Paul Ray

Let’s hope this latest attempt to guide businesses through the maze of options open to them remains a valuable tool long into the future!

March 11, 2015 11:16 am

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